Cheer Stunting Gallery

Oct 15, 2023

Snapshot collection of 313 cheer stunting skills (45 still missing).

Massive props to:

Special shout-outs to:

Note to flyers:

  1. Stay fit and healthy.

  2. Keep your chin, chest and toes up.

  3. Keep your body straight and in line with the base.

Note to bases:

  1. Always have a spotter.

  2. Keep your free hand on your hip.

  3. Make sure to switch to the non-dominant arm.

Y'all be safe and have fun, happy stunting!

Table of Contents

Cheer Stunting Gallery

Grips - base holds a flyer

Tosses - base throws a flyer to a foot grip

Handstands - base throws a flyer to a hand grip

Transitions - flyer moves from one grip to another

Poses - flyer hits a pose at the top

Jumps - flyer hits a pose in the air

Spins - flyer performs a spin in the air

Flips - flyer performs a flip in the air

Dismounts - flyer comes down from a stunt

Tumbles - either flyer or tumbler performs a flip on the ground

Baskets - two bases and a backspot launch and catch a flyer

Pyramids - at least two bases lift and hold at least one flyer

Bondans - two bases throw a stunt together

Extras - stunts become extra difficult