Thoughts Have Reality

Aug 26, 2023

Every thought has an immediate and persistent influence on your mind.

God is anything that compels you to overcome yourself.

Love always has that effect.

It is your purpose.

Like any other system of confined interacting elements, the Universe computes and is computable.

For a system to compute means for it to be updating its own state by transitioning to the next one based on pre-defined rules or pre-supplied instructions, that is to say, transitioning deterministically. Naturally, an observer embedded in the system perceives only a partial view of the system, unable to fathom the complete picture, incapable of computing the full history. However, such an observer could be capable of inferring the universal laws governing the system's evolution from the locally observed, seemingly arbitrary states of the system.

Just like the system one is embedded in, an observer computes and is computable.